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Welcome to

I'm Catonator, a programmer/musician/professional moron. This is my personal site.
If you want to find more up-to-date info on what I'm working on, head over to Distant Illusions (that's my and Mors' indie game studio, it's really cool)
Otherwise you can use the navbar on the left to get around.
Mobile support is incredibly patchy here, so I recommend using the site in landscape form. Also get a PC, you lazy bastard.


Now with proof of unlaziness

Updated the works section. It's still ugly as hell, but actually contains more than just tragically retro GIFs!

New site alert!

I’ve spent over 9000 hours on the internet learning CSS, PHP, HTML, SQL, PS2, NSFW and other acronyms to bring you this - still unfinished - new site. But it has a blog! Hooray!

Entire update history

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© 2020-2024 Catonator